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Ghana Living Standard Survey, Round 8

The Ghana Statistical Service – GSS - is conducting the Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 8 from June 2023.

Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 8 - GLSS 8 - collects individual, household, and community level data to measure levels and changes in living standards of the population through responses to questions they are asked by GSS Field Officers. The information collected will help us to understand and monitor living conditions in Ghana. The information will help in planning for development in our communities. 

The GLSS 8 is in two phases. Phase one is the Listing exercise from June to July 2023 where Field Officers will visit selected communities nationwide to list structures - including households. The main objective of the listing exercise is to identify all households living in residential houses in the selected clusters to ensure that every household is given an equal chance of being selected to participate in the GLSS 8.

Phase two of the exercise will take place from September 2023 to August 2024. During this time, the Field Officers will stay in the community for 35 days and visit the selected households to collect detailed information on their living conditions. #GLSS8,
