The Ghana Core Agriculture and Production Methods and Environment (CorePME) Survey for the Baseline Assessment of Phase 2 of the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ 2.0) is a nationwide survey that aims to collect the needed data for informed decision-making in the agricultural sector while ensuring sustainable growth and development. The CorePME is part of the Ghana Core Agriculture Surveys (GCAS++).
The CorePME is designed to:
The main objective of conducting the survey is to produce reliable and up-to-date benchmark information on the agricultural sector, bridge data gaps, promote evidence-based decision-making, and conduct an in-depth impact assessment of PFJ 2.0.
Specific objectives:
i. Estimate crop production by type of crop, and region;
ii. Estimate vegetable production by type of main vegetables, and region
iii. Estimate the production of livestock by type and region;
iv. Estimate the production and productivity of fish and aquaculture by type and location;
v. Estimate the production of consumption and sales of bushmeat, production and sales of utility poles, and forest production;
vi. Determine the value of deforestation and afforestation
vii. Estimate vegetable production by type of main vegetables, and region
viii.Determine the type of inputs used including labour;
ix. Determine the type of irrigation used;
x. Determine the practices on the farm with respect to the soil analysis, the methods used to enhance pollination and region;
xi. Estimate the volume of fertilizer used;
xii. Estimate the proportion of seeds and plants used; and
xiii. Estimate variables/elements for the calculations of greenhouse gases (GHG).
Key Survey Features
Crop-related practices:
Livestock–related practices:
Benefits of the Survey
Eradicating Poverty through Agriculture, which aim to transform Africa's agriculture sector to achieve inclusive economic growth, poverty reduction, and food and nutrition security.
What We Need from You
The success of the CorePME depends on the active participation and cooperation of stakeholders to gather the necessary data to support informed decision-making in the agricultural sector from respondents (such as agricultural households, holders, agricultural institutions, government bodies, and researchers) need to provide specific information., If you are selected to participate:
Confidentiality Assurance
All data collected will be kept strictly confidential and used solely for statistical purposes following the Statistical Service Act, 2019 (Act 1003).
Contact Information
For more information, please contact us:
Phone: 0207-002-804
Let’s work together to support the course of Ghana’s agricultural sector through accurate and reliable data. Your information matters!